Bazı Süfi şairlerin divanlarından hareketle kök değerlerle ilişkisi bakımından İnsan-ı Kamil kavramı
Erdemir Nesrullah.
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Publication Information:
Van: Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2024.
Physical Description:
ix, 151 yaprak ; 30 cm. + 1 CD.
Özet: Milletlere kimlik kazandıran unsurlardan biri değerlerdir. Kendi değerine olmayan toplumların sağlam bir kimlik oluşturmaları da beklenmemektedir. Milletlerin sahip olduğu değerler onları disiplin içinde tutmuş, yaşadıkları olaylar karşısında daha güçlü olmalarını sağlamıştır. Dolayısıyla burada kastedilen değerler yalnızca terbiyeye dair bir telkin olmayıp aynı zamanda kimlik oluşturma sürecini içine almaktadır. Toplumlar tarih boyunca değerler eğitimi için farklı arayışlar içinde olmuş ve kimliklerini oluşturan değerleri en iyi şekilde nasıl aktaracaklarının yollarını aramışlardır. Bu noktada edebiyat hep önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Bizim kültürümüzde de edebi eserler değerlerin aktarımında etkili araçlardan biridir. Günümüz şartlarında okullar ve burada öğrencilere sunulan edebi eserler yoluyla değerlerin öğrenciye ulaştırılması amaçlanır. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızda XIV. yüzyıldan başlamak üzere XX. yüzyıla kadar geçen sürede bazı sûfi şairler tarafından yazılmış divanların, 2018 Türk dili ve edebiyatı dersi öğretim programında yer alan 10 kök değeri içerme durumu incelenmiş ve bu değerlerin insan-ı kâmil kavramıyla ilişkisi belirlenmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak 13 sûfi şairin divanı ve 2018 Türk dili ve edebiyatı dersi öğretim programı incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme yapılırken nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman incelemesi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İncelenen divanlarda elde edilen veriler öncelikle 10 kök değere göre değerlendirilmiş olup şiirlerin bu değerleri bulundurma durumu belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra bu şiir örneklerinin insan-ı kâmil kavramı ile olan ilişkisi belirlenmiş ve değerlerin çalışmaya olan katkısı ortaya çıkarılmıştır. İncelenen şiirlerden çalışmaya uygun olanlar tespit edilmiş, bu şiirlerde kök değerler ve insan-ı kâmil ilişkisi ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Yapılan okumalar ve değerlendirmeler sonrasında insan-ı kâmil kavramı ve kök değerler ilişkisini yeteri düzeyde ortaya koyacak şiir örneklerinin bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Şiirlerdeki kök değerlerin sayıca benzer bir dağılım göstermediği, bazı değerlerin fazla sayıda şiir örneğinde temsil edildiği bazı değerlerle ilgili ise çok az sayıda şiir örneğinin bulunduğu ortaya konmuştur.
Abstract: One of the basic building blocks of nations is their values. Societies that do not have their own values are not expected to form a solid identity. The values of nations have kept them in discipline and made them stronger in the face of the events they have experienced. Therefore, the values referred to here are not only an indoctrination regarding upbringing, but also include the process of identity formation. Throughout history, societies have been in different searches for values education and have sought ways to convey the values that make up their identities in the best way. At this point, literature has always had an important place. In our culture, literary works are one of the effective tools in the transfer of values. In today's conditions, it is aimed to convey values to students through schools and literary works presented to students here. In this context, in our study, the divans written by some Sufi poets starting from the XIVth century until the XXth century were examined for the inclusion of 10 root values in the 2018 Turkish language and literature curriculum and the relationship of these values with the concept of perfect person (insan-I kamil) was determined. The divans of 13 Sufi poets and the 2018 Turkish language and literature curriculum were examined as data collection tools. While conducting this examination, document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The data obtained from the analyzed divans were first evaluated according to 10 root values and the status of the poems containing these values was determined. Then, the relationship of these poetry examples with the concept of the perfect person (insan-I kamil) was determined and the contribution of the values to the study was revealed. Among the poems analyzed, the ones suitable for the study were identified and the relationship between root values and the human being was revealed in these poems. After the examinations, it was determined that there are examples of poems that will sufficiently reveal the relationship between the concept of perfect person (insan-ı kamil) and root values. It has been understood that the
Abstract: One of the basic building blocks of nations is their values. Societies that do not have their own values are not expected to form a solid identity. The values of nations have kept them in discipline and made them stronger in the face of the events they have experienced. Therefore, the values referred to here are not only an indoctrination regarding upbringing, but also include the process of identity formation. Throughout history, societies have been in different searches for values education and have sought ways to convey the values that make up their identities in the best way. At this point, literature has always had an important place. In our culture, literary works are one of the effective tools in the transfer of values. In today's conditions, it is aimed to convey values to students through schools and literary works presented to students here. In this context, in our study, the divans written by some Sufi poets starting from the XIVth century until the XXth century were examined for the inclusion of 10 root values in the 2018 Turkish language and literature curriculum and the relationship of these values with the concept of perfect person (insan-I kamil) was determined. The divans of 13 Sufi poets and the 2018 Turkish language and literature curriculum were examined as data collection tools. While conducting this examination, document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The data obtained from the analyzed divans were first evaluated according to 10 root values and the status of the poems containing these values was determined. Then, the relationship of these poetry examples with the concept of the perfect person (insan-I kamil) was determined and the contribution of the values to the study was revealed. Among the poems analyzed, the ones suitable for the study were identified and the relationship between root values and the human being was revealed in these poems. After the examinations, it was determined that there are examples of poems that will sufficiently reveal the relationship between the concept of perfect person (insan-ı kamil) and root values. It has been understood that the root values in the poems do not show a similar distribution in number, some values are represented in a large number of poetry examples, while there are very few poetry examples related to some values.
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