![Cover image for Dezavantajlı gruplar ve yerel sıyaset ılıskısı: van, diyarbakır ve mardın buyuksehır beledıyelerı ornegı üzerıne bır calısma Cover image for Dezavantajlı gruplar ve yerel sıyaset ılıskısı: van, diyarbakır ve mardın buyuksehır beledıyelerı ornegı üzerıne bır calısma](/client/assets/4.5.1/ctx/images/no_image.png)
Dezavantajlı gruplar ve yerel sıyaset ılıskısı: van, diyarbakır ve mardın buyuksehır beledıyelerı ornegı üzerıne bır calısma
Özkaplan,Dicle. 1989-
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Van : Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2018.
Physical Description:
xi,175 (yaprak) ; 30 cm + 1 CD.
ÖZET: Dezavantajh gruplar, sosyal risk gruplan, handikaph gruplar, marjinal gruplar kavrami; ekonomik, sosyal, kulturel ve siyasi i*y*, her biri kendine ozgu nedenlerden dolayi katilamayan, entegre olamayan ve sosyal imkanlardan yeterli duzeyde yararlanamayan, dolayisryla politika ve karar yapim sureclerine de yetersiz duzeyde katilan ya da hic katilamayan bireyleri tammlamaktadir. Bu pah^ma dezavantajli gruplar irerisinden kadm, engelli ve LGBTI bireyler uzerine yogunla§mistir. Kadin, engelli ve LGBTI bireylerin toplumun dezavantajh kesiminde sayilmasmtn, katilim, temsil ve qitlik gibi demokratik imkanlardan yoksun kalmalanyla, yakin iliskisi vardir. Yerel yonetimlerin; kadin, engelli ve LGBTI ba§ta olmak uzere dezavantajh kesimler icin yeterli ve yerinde politikalar uretememesi dezavantajli gruplann kent hayatinda kesiFn olumsuzluklar ya$amalarma neden olmaktadir. Bu olumsuzluklar yerel yonetimlerin dezavantajh gruplara yakla§immdan kaynaklandigi gibi; dezavantajh gruplarm yerel siyasetin yonetim, karar ve politika sureglerine yeterli duzeyde katilmamalan ile de yakmdan ilgilidir. Bu baglamda dezavantajh gruplarm yerel yonetim smirlan icerisindeki durumlannm, sivil toplum kurulqlartnm ve bunlann dezavantajh gruplara iliskin payda§ faaliyetlerinin ne duzeyde oldugu ile ilgili veriler, ara§tirmanm amaci kapsammdir. cah§ma kapsammda, Van, Diyarbakir ve Mardin Buyuksehir Belediyesi'nin kadm, engelli ve LGBTI bireylere yonelik politikalarmm yam sera bu illerde faaliyet yuruten sivil toplum kurulu§larmm calismalan ve yerel yonetimlerden beklentileri ara^tinlmi^ olup, dezavantajhlik durumlan incelenmi$tir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Kadin, Engelli, LGBTI, Yerel Siyaset, Dezavantajh Grup
SUMMARY:The concepts of disadvantaged groups, social risk groups, handicapped groups, marginal groups refer to individuals that cannot participate and cannot be integrated in economic, social, cultural and political activities due to their own reasons each, and cannot benefit from social facilities adequately and thus participate in policy and decision-making processes inadequately or not at all.This study focuses on women, disabled and LGBTI among the disadvantaged groups.The fact that women, people with disabilities and LGBTI people are considered disadvantaged in the society has a close relationship with their being deprived of democratic opportunities such as participation, representation and equality. The inability of local governments to produce adequate and appropriate policies for disadvantaged people, especially women, disabled and LGBTI, causes disadvantaged groups to experience challenging conflicts in urban life.Just as these problems stem from the approach of local governments to disadvantaged groups, they are also closely related to the disadvantaged groups' inadequate participation in the management, decision and policy processes of local politics.In this context, the aim of the research is to determine the status of the disadvantaged groups within the borders of the local government, non-governmental organizations and the level of stakeholder activities of the disadvantaged groups. Within the scope of the study, the policies of Van, Diyarbakir and Mardin Metropolitan Municipality towards women, disabled and LGBTI individuals, as well as the studies of civil society organizations operating in these provinces and their expectations from local governments were investigated and their disadvantages were examined. Key words: Women, Disabilities, LGBTI, Local Politics, Disadvantaged Group
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Library | Material Type | Item Barcode | Shelf Number | Status |
Searching... | Thesis | 089832 | 353 /TEZ /ÖZKd /2018. | Searching... |