Cover image for Genetic conservation of salmonid fishes
Genetic conservation of salmonid fishes
Publication Information:
New York : Plenum Press , 1993.
Physical Description:
314 s. ; 24 sm.
NATO ASI series. Series A, Life sciences ; v. 248
Series Title:
NATO ASI series. Series A, Life sciences ; v. 248
General Note:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Genetic Conversation of Salmonid Fishes<br>--Joseph G. Cloud--<br><br>Contents<br>Methods to Describe Fish Stocks .............. 1<br>R. Guyomard <br>1. Introduction 1<br>2. Methods to Describe Genetic Variation 1<br>3. Comparative Advantages and Limitations of the Different Methods of<br>Description 10<br>4. Data Analysis 13<br>5. Sampling Problems 19<br>6. Conclusion 20<br>References 20<br>Spatial Organization of Pacific Salmon: What To Conserve? ...... 23<br>B.E. Riddell<br>1. Introduction 23<br>2. Genetic Diversity in Pacific Salmon 25<br>3. What Is It We Are Preserving? 27<br>4. What Are the Major Sources of Impacts? 29<br>5. What to Conserve? 33<br>6. Discussion 35<br>References 37<br>Status of Biodiversity of Taxa and Nontaxa of Salmonid Fishes: Contemporary<br>Problems of Classification and Conservation 43<br>R.J. Behnke<br>1. Introduction 43<br>2. What Is a Species? 43<br>3. Implications and Examples 46<br>References 47<br>Requirements for Genetic Data on Adaptations to Environment and Habitats of<br>Salmonids .................. 49<br>C.D. Levings<br>1. Introduction 49<br>2. Approach 51<br>3. Fresh Water Environment 51<br>4. Fresh Water Habitats 55<br>5. Estuaries 58<br> <br>6. Ocean Environments 59<br>7. Conclusions 61<br>References 61<br>Impacts of Fishing on Genetic Structure of Salmonid Populations 67<br>J.E. Thorpe<br>1. Introduction 67<br>2. Phenorypic Population Changes following Fishing 68<br>3. Genetic Status of Populations following Fishing 73<br>4. Other Potential Genetic Effects of Fisheries 76<br>References 77<br>Genetic Change in Hatchery Populations ........... 81<br>G.A.E. Gall<br>1. Introduction 81<br>2. Background 82<br>3. Initial Sampling 85<br>4. Domestication 86<br>5. Program Management 86<br>6. Genetic and Breeding Goals 88<br>7. Conclusion 90<br>References 90<br>Potential Impacts of Transgenic and Genetically Manipulated Fish on Natural<br>Populations: Addressing the Uncertainties through Field Testing ... 93<br>E. Hallerman and A. Kapuscinski<br>1. Introduction 93<br>2. Ecological and Genetic Uncertainties Posed by Transgenic Fishes 95<br>3. Field Testing of Transgenic Fishes 98<br>4. Ecological and Genetic Uncertainties Posed by Chromosomally Manipulated<br>Fishes 101<br>5. Scientific and Ecological Uncertainties Posed by Chimeric Fishes 105<br>6. Decision Making and Risk Management 106<br>7. Perspectives on Genetic Modification of Fishes 107<br>References 109<br>The Reproductive Containment of Genetically Altered Salmonids .113<br>E.M. Donaldson, R.H. Devlin, I.I. Solar, and F. Piferrer<br>1. Introduction 113<br>2. Sterilization Techniques 115<br>3. Chemosterilization 116<br>4. Exposure to X or Gamma Irradiation 116<br>5. Treatment with Androgen 117<br>6. Induction of Female Triploidy 119<br>7. Production of Sterile Hybrids 120<br>8. Production of Sterile Transgenics 121<br>9. Monosex Techniques 121<br>10. Discussion 122<br>References 124<br> <br>Gcrmplasnı Repositories for Plants ............. 131<br>R. L. Clark<br>1. Organization and Operation 131<br>2. Acquisition of Germplasm 131<br>3. Maintenance 132<br>4. Evaluation 132<br>5. Distribution and Utilization 133<br>6. Advisory Groups 134<br>7. International Relationships ’134<br>8. Summary 135<br>References 135<br>Advances in the Cryopreservation of Embryos and Prospects for Application<br>to the Conservation of Salmonid Fishes .......... 137<br>W.F. Rail "<br>1. Introduction 137<br>2. Current Status of Embryo Cryopreservation 138<br>3. Controlled Slow-Freezing Procedures 140<br>4. Vitrification Approaches 143<br>5. Cryopreservation of Fruit Fly (D. melanogaster) Embryos by Vitrification 148<br>6. Factors Complicating the Application of Embryo Cryopreservation to<br>Salmonid Fishes 153<br>7. Conclusions 155<br>References 155<br>Genetic Resource Banks and Reproductive Technology for Wildlife<br>Conservation ................. 159<br>D.E. Wildt, U.S. Seal and W.F. Rail<br>1. Introduction 159<br>2. Developing Strategies for Conservation (Cross-Institutional Cooperation<br>and Getting Organized) 160<br>3. A Call for Genetic Resource Banking , 160<br>4. Justification and Potential Utility of Genetic Resource Banks 161<br>5. Utility of Genetic Resource Banks for Both Habitat and Single Species<br>Conservationists 162<br>6. Overview on State-of-the-Art Reproductive Biotechnology Including<br>Cryopreservation of Germ Plasm and Embryos , 163<br>7. Recommendations for Establishing Genetic Resource Banks 167<br>8. Summary 169<br>References 169<br>Cryopreservation of Fish Spermatozoa ............ 175<br>B. Harvey<br>1. Why Freeze Fish Spermatozoa? 175<br>2. What Are the Technical Problems? 175<br>3. A Partial List of Fish Species Whose Spermatozoa Have Been Frozen 176<br>4. Features of Successful Methods 176<br>5. Practical Limitations of Cryopreservation Methods 177<br> <br>6. Making User-Friendly 177<br>References 178<br>The Norwegian Gene Bank Programme for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) . . 181<br>D. Gausen<br>1. Introduction 181<br>2. Objectives and Strategies 181<br>3. Method of Cryopreservation and Sampling Strategy 183<br>4. Organization of the Gene Bank Programme 184<br>5. Results and Experiences 185<br>References 187<br>Reconstitution of Genetic Strains of Salmonids Using Biotechnical Approaches . 189<br>G.H. Thorgaard and J.G. Cloud<br>1. Introduction 189<br>2. Reconstitution from Cryopreserved Sperm 190<br>3. Reconstitution Using Cryopreserved Embryonic Cells 192<br>4. Conclusions 193<br>References 193<br>Genetic Components in Life History Traits Contribute to Population Structure 197<br>AJ. Gharrett and W.W. Smoker<br>1. Introduction 197<br>2. Study Site and Species 198<br>3. Timing of Adult Returns 198<br>4. Timing of Juvenile Emigrations 200<br>5. Discussion 200<br>References 201<br>Status and Plight of the Searun Cutthroat Trout ......... 203<br>P.C. Trotter, P.A. Bisson, andB. Fransen<br>1. Introduction 203<br>2. Populations at Risk and Reasons for Declines 203<br>3. Historic Range and Life Cycle 203<br>4. Amount and Distribution of Genetic Diversity 206<br>5. Key Research Needs 208<br>6. Summary 210<br>References 210<br>Status of Genetic Conservation in Salmonid Populations from Asturian<br>Rivers (North of Spain) .............. 213<br>P. Moran, E.Garcia-Vazquez, A.M. Pendas, J.I. Izquierdo, J.A. Martin Ventura, and P. Fernandez-Rueda<br>1. Introduction 213<br>2. Materials and Methods 213<br><t 3. Results and Discussion 215<br>References 217<br> <br>Genetic Status of Atlantic Salmon (S. salar) in Asturian Rivers (Northern Spain) 219<br>J.A. Sânchez, G. Blanco, and E. Vazquez<br>1. Introduction 219<br>2. Materials and Methods 219<br>3.

Results and Discussion 221<br>References 223<br>Genetic Management of Natural Fish Populations ......... 227<br>G.W. Wohlfarth<br>1. Introduction 227<br>2. Overexploitation 227<br>3. Rapid Environmental Changes 227<br>4. Choice of Stocks 227<br>5. Suggestions for Restoring Wild Fish Populations by Genetic Management 229<br>6. Summary 229<br>References 229<br>Genetics of Salmonids in Czechoslovakia: Current Status of Knowledge . . . 231<br>M. Flajshans, P. Rab, and L. Kalal<br>1. Salmonids in Czechoslovakia 231<br>2. Cytotaxonomy and Cytogenetics 234<br>3. Biochemical Genetics 235<br>4. Breeding Work 237<br>5. Introductions and Gene Pool Conservation 238<br>References 239<br>Occurrence, Distribution, and Potential Future of Yugoslavian Salmonids . . 243<br>E. Teskeredzic, Z. Teskeredzic, E.McLean, M. Tomec, and R. Coz-Rakovac<br>1. Introduction 245<br>2. Representative Salmonids ‘ 243<br>3. Introduced Species 247<br>4. The Future 248<br>References 249<br>Genetic Differentiation and Relationship within and between Natural and<br>Cultured Populations of Oncorhynchm masou Complex in Japan . . 253<br>M. Nakajima and Y. Fujio<br>1. Introduction 253<br>2. Materials and Methods 253<br>3. Results 256<br>4. Discussion 260<br>5. Summary 260<br>References 261<br>Data Base for Trout Brood Stocks ............. 263<br>H.L. Kincaid<br>1. Introduction 263<br>2. Methods 264<br> <br>3. Management Applications 266<br>References 266<br>The Use of Supplementation to Aid in Natural Stock Restoration ..... 269<br>M.L. Cuenco, T.W.H. Backman, and P.R. Mundy<br>1. Introduction 270<br>2. Definition of Supplementation 271<br>3. Uses of Supplementation 272<br>4. When to Use Supplementation 272<br>5. Approach to a Supplementation Program 275<br>6. Supplementation Technology 276<br>7. Risk Analysis 281<br>8. Research Needs 287<br>References 288<br>Status of the Genetic Resources of Pacific Rim Salmon 295<br>A.J. Gharrett, B.E. Riddell, I.E. Seeb, and J.H. Helle<br>1. Introduction 295<br>2. Southeastern Range 296<br>3. Southwestern Range 297<br>4. Northern Range 298<br>5. Conclusions 299<br>References 299<br>Status of the Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L., Its Distribution and the Threats to<br>Natural Populations ............... 303<br>D. Thompson<br>1. Introduction 303<br>2. Genetical Risks 305<br>3. Ecological Risks 305<br>4. Conclusion 305<br>Selective Breeding and Domestication ............ 307<br>H.L. Kincaid<br>1. Types of Selection in Hatchery and Natural Environments 307<br>2. Hatchery Practices Can Modify the "Natural" Gene Pool 307<br>3. Recommendations 308<br>Index ..................... 311<br>


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