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İbn ‘abdilber ve hadis tenkidindeki metodu
Khalid Omar Qader
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Van : Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2018.
Physical Description:
353 yaprak ; 30 cm + 1 CD.
ÖZET: Son söz olarak, Allah’a hamd olsun ki, bu çalışmayı tamamladım ve bilinmeli ki yüce Allah’tan başka mükemmellik kimseye yakışamaz. Bu nedenle, imam Şâfî’nin –Allah rahmet eylesin- bu sözüyle amel ederim (söylediklerim doğrudur ve yanlış olması muhtemeldir, başkasının söyledikleri yanlıştır doğru olması muhtemeldir). Karşıma çıkan bütün zorluk ve engellere rağmen Allaha şükürler olsun ki çalışmamı tamamlayabildim. Hafız ibn ‘Abdilber’ın yazdığı eserlerinden yararlanarak özellikle de hadislerin doğru anlaşılmasında ve bazı insanların dedikleri birbiriyle çeliştiği birçok hadisi onun hadis şerh ve yorumlarından hareket ederek söz konusu hadisleri analiz ederek açıklığa kavuşturdum. Bütün bu meseleleri birkaç satırla açıklamış olsam da bu satırlar şüpheyi giderecek ve inandırıcı sözlerle doludur. Ancak bu sonucun önemli bir yönü, her öğrencinin en az bir ve iki kez Temhîd kitabını okumalarını gerektiğine inandım. Çünkü bu kitap, sizleri başka kaynağa muhtaç ettirmiyecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır, kitaba baktığımızda onunla hadislerin anlamı anlaşılan ve fıkıh, yargı ve edebiyat gibi birçok alanı ihtiva eden bir kaynak kitabı olduğunu görürüz. Ayrıca bu çalışma, Hafız ibn ‘Abdilber’ın Cerh ve Ta’dil, Ricâl halleri, hadislerin zayıf ve sahihliği gibi birçok hadis mevzularında mutedil davrandığını gösterir. Zira o, sıfatlarda ne çok aşırı ne de çok gevşek davranmıştır. İşte bu metodu hadis âlimlerinin özgün bir yaklaşımıdır. Çünkü onlar rivâyet edilen bütün hadisleri ne reddeder ne de incelemeden bütün hadisleri olduğu gibi kabul ederler. Sürekli vasat yolunu takip ederek ne ifrata ne de tefrite kaçmadan gerekli değerlendirmeleri yaparlar. Yaptığımız araştırma sonucunda birçok hadisin ilke ve yöntemlerinin araştırılması gerektiğini fark ettim, nedeni ise âlimlerin ister eski ister çağdaş olsun râvilerin rivayetleri zayıflığından dolayı bazı hadislerin düzeltmesinde ve zayıflatılmasında farklılıklar göstermektedir. Eğer hadislerin tüm yargılarını bulursanız bu işinizi daha kolay bir hale getirecektir, ayrıca bunu Hafız ibn
SUMMARY: Finally , thank God that I have completed the letter and cannot be anything but perfection to God Almighty, so I say as Shafi'I - may God have mercy on him - say true wrong and say others wrong error is true, and with all the difficulties that faced me and obstacles that was a barrier in my way However, I have benefited greatly from what I wrote in the hands of Al-Haafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr, and my eyes fell on what he did not have before, especially in explaining the Hadith and the accuracy of his words in understanding the hadith and analyzing and clarifying many hadiths, which some people see as contradicting each other. But rich in what convinces and explains the issuance of who was in his heart a bit of mystery, Not that the important thing in this conclusion that I have realized that each student learned to read the book of the boot at least once or twice is one of the books that understand the meaning of the Hadith has been collected in this book of the provisions and jurisprudence and literature, which alienates others, This message, in general showing the moderation of Al-Hafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr in the wound and the amendment and in the correction and weak talk and the conditions of men, is not excessive and not excessive in descriptions, and this is the original approach of modern scholars do not overreact in words is not appropriate to the people of modern and not silent Faid all talk Without comment. And I realized something else that there are many hadiths that still need to be searched for its terms and methods, because the scholars, whether they are former or contemporary, differed in correcting and weakening some of the ahaadeeth, because of the difference in the narrators. The weighting between the hadiths is open, and this is what I realized. I saw that al-Haafiz Ibn 'Abd al-Barr realized the ways of some hadiths that he did not know from the previous scholars. I have pointed out in an important subject proposed by myself through the reading of the works of Al-Hafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr, which is a comparison between him and the scholars of the people of Hadith, whether before or after him, and show me through that the right can not be only one person, It was not right and right in the case of Al-Haafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr in the comparison that was compared with scholars, but rather the right and the right of the two. Perhaps he was injured in an hadeeth and a mistake in another. In both cases, al-Mujtahid is either paid or paid. I have reached high results by writing the letter but focus on its most important findings. * Al-Hafiz Ibn Abdul-Barr is a scientist, modernist, historian and critic of the world of readings and deserves to write about hundreds of master's and doctoral degrees. Al-Hafiz Ibn Abdul-Barr was not fanatic of the doctrine of the doctrines, although his tendency to Maliki's doctrine is clear, but that did not make him not to respond to the saying of the doctrine of Imam Malik, he rather responds to the words of others if the book of God and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. * Al-Hafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr Faqih and modern speaking in the jurisprudence and modern talk Bnsnad and talk on the attribution of the talk weak and correct, perhaps do not find his words in the jurisprudence and Hadith as you find him and read the book of the boot show him that fact is clear. * Fairness in the response to the scholars, every human being is in error, but no one can show the error the size of what happened to the wrongdoer, perhaps one greater than the size of the error and use words that do not suit the people of science, and who was on the approach of Hafiz Ibn Abdul Barr Even in his response to the scholars, because he does not use
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