Cover image for Goldfish varieties and genetics: a handbook for breeders
Goldfish varieties and genetics: a handbook for breeders
Smartt, Joseph
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Malden : Fishing News Books , 2001.
Physical Description:
216 s. ; 24 sm.
Goldfish Varieties and Genetics<br>-Joseph Smartt-<br><br>Contents<br>(Colour plate section falls between pages 118 and 119)<br>Preface vii<br>1 Introduction 1<br>2 History and Development of the Goldfish 11<br>Pre-domestication 12<br>Domestication 14<br>Diversification 16<br>The political dimension 20<br>Artefacts as evidence in tracing development of goldfish varieties 23<br>Dissemination of the goldfish 25<br>3 Goldfish Varieties - a Review of Literature 26<br>H. T. Wolf (1908) Goldfish Breeds 28<br>Hugh M. Smith (1909) Japanese Goldfish - Their Varieties and Cultivation 39<br>W. T. Innes (1917-1932, 1947) Goldfish Varieties 48<br>Hodge & Derham (1926) Goldfish Culture for Amateurs 53<br>Hugh M. Smith (1924) Goldfish and Their Cultivation in America 53<br>T.C. Roughley (1936) The Cult of the Goldfish 54<br>The contributions of Chen (1925) and Matsui (1934) 55<br>Chen (1925) Variation in External Characters of Goldfish Carassius auratus 55<br>Matsui (1934) Genetical Studies on Goldfish of Japan 58<br>Matsui, Y. (1972) Goldfish Guide (first edition) 63<br>Hervey & Hems (1948) The Goldfish 64<br>Frank Orme (1979) Fancy Goldfish Culture 69<br>Watanabe (1988) Handbook of Goldfish 11<br>Penzes & Tölg (1986) Goldfish and Ornamental Carp 72<br>Recent literature on Chinese goldfish 73<br>Man Shek-hay (1982, 1993) Goldfish in Hong Kong 74<br>Li Zhen (1988) Chinese Goldfish 75<br>B. Teichfischer (1994) Goldfische in Aller Welt 76<br> <br>4 Modern Goldfish Varieties 80<br>The Common Goldfish 80<br>The Comet 83<br>The Shubunkins " 84<br>The Wakin 88<br>The Jikin 90<br>The Fantail 91<br>The Ryukin ,. 92<br>TheTosakin 94<br>TheVeiltail 95<br>The Telescope 98<br>The Celestial 103<br>The Bubble-eye 104<br>The Pompon 105<br>The Pearlscale 107<br>The Oranda 108<br>The Ranchu-Lionhead Group 110<br>Concluding remarks 114<br>5 The Aesthetic Appreciation of Goldfish 115<br>The Common Goldfish standard 116<br>The Comet standard 118<br>The Shubunkin standard ,/ 119<br>The Fantail standard f 122<br>The Jikin standard 124<br>The Fringetail standard 124<br>The Ryukin standard 125<br>TheVeiltail standard 126<br>The Tosakin standard 128<br>The Pearlscale standard 129<br>The Pompon standard 129<br>The Telescope-eye standards 130<br>The Celestial standard 131<br>The Bubble-eye standard 131<br>The Oranda standards 132<br>The Lionhead standards 134<br>Goldfish aesthetics and standards - some conclusions 135<br>Condition and deportment 137<br>Goldfish appreciation - a postscript 138<br>6 Basic Genetic Principles for Goldfish Breeders 139<br>The chromosome theory of heredity 139<br>Mendelian inheritance 140<br>Linkage 146<br>Polyploidy 147<br> <br>Developmental aspects 150<br>Quantitative genetics 151<br>Population genetics 153<br>Breeding strategy 154<br>7 The Genetics of Goldfish Variety Evolution 158<br>The xanthic mutation 158<br>The twin-tail mutation 160<br>Fins - size and shape 163<br>General coloration 165<br>Eye mutants 174<br>Hypertrophies of the head 175<br>Scale types 176<br>The out-turned operculum 178<br>Body conformation 179<br>Evolutionary genetics of goldfish - some conclusions 179<br>Evolution of the goldfish - a genealogy 181<br>8 Genetics and Goldfish Improvement 185<br>Manipulation of dominance relationships between alleles at a genetic locus 187<br>Biotechnology and its actual and potential significance 191<br>Population aspects 193<br>Envoi o: 195<br>Glossary 199<br>Bibliography 205<br>Index 209<br>


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Book 049729 639.37484 SMAg 2001 k.1

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