Cover image for A companion to romanticism
A companion to romanticism
Publication Information:
Malden : Blackwell Publishers , 1999.
Physical Description:
549 s. ; 24 sm.
Blackwell companions to literature and culture; 1
Series Title:
Blackwell companions to literature and culture; 1
A COMPANION TO ROMANTICISM<br>-DUNCAN WU-<br><br><br>Contents<br>Introduction ix<br>Acknowledgements xii<br>Abbreviations xiii<br>Part I Contexts and Perspectives 1790-1830<br>1 Romanticism: The Brief History of a Concept 3 Seamus Perry<br>2 Preromanticism 12 Michael J. Tolley<br>3 From Revolution to Romanticism: The Historical Context to 1800 23 David Duff<br>4 Beyond the Enlightenment: The Philosophical, Scientific and Religious<br>Inheritance 35 Peter J. Kitson<br>5 Britain at War: The Historical Context 48 Philip Shaw<br>6 Literature and Religion 61<br>Mary Wedd 1 The Picturesque, the Beautiful and the Sublime 72<br>Nicola Trott<br>8 The Romantic Reader 91 Stephen C. Behrendt<br>Part II Readings<br>9 William Blake, Songs of Innocence and of Experience 103<br>Nelson Hilton<br>10 Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France 113 David Bromwich<br>1 1 Charlotte Smith, The Old Manor House 122 Miranda J. Burgess<br>12 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan, The Ancient Mariner and Christabel 131 Seamus Perry<br>13 Wordsworth and Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads 144 Scott McEathron<br>14 Dorothy Wordsworth, Journals 157 Pamela Woof<br>15 Joanna Baillie, A Series of Play s 169 Janice Patten<br>16 William Wordsworth, The Prelude 179 Jonathan Wordsworth<br>17 Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin 191 John Strachan<br>18 Mary Tighe, Psyche 199 John M. Andenon<br>19 Charlotte Smith, Beachy Head 204 Jacqueline M. Labbe<br>20 Walter Scott, Waverley . 211 Fiona Robertson<br>21 Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice 219 Beth Lau<br>22 Mary Shelley, Frankenstein 221 John Beer<br>23 John Keats, Odes 237 JaA« Creaser<br>24 George Gordon, Lord Byron, Don Juan 247 Jaw Stabler<br>25 Percy Bysshe Shelley, Prometheus Unbound 259 MifAW O’N«//<br>26 Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater 269 Damian Walford Davies<br>27 Charles Lamb, Elia 277 Duncan Wu<br>28 William Hazlitt, TAe Spirit of the Age 283 Bonnie Woodbery<br>29 Letitia Landon (L.E.L.), The Improvisatrice 294 Adam Roberts<br>30 John Clare, TÂe Shepherd’s Calendar 301<br>31 Felicia Hemans, Records of Woman 313 Adam Roberts<br>Part III Genres and Modes<br>32 The Romantic Drama 323 Frederick Burtuick x<br>33 The Novel 333 John Sutherland<br>34 Gothic Fiction 345 DavidS. Miall<br>35 Parody and Imitation 355 Grame Stones<br>36 Travel Writing 364 James A. Butler<br>37 Romantic Literary Criticism 371 Seamus Perry<br>Pact IV Issues and Debates<br>38 Romanticism and Gender ^"^ Susan J. Wolf son<br>39 Romanticism and Feminism 597 Elizabeth Fay<br>40 New Historicism 4Ü2 David Simpson<br>41 Romantic Ecology , 411 Tony Pinkney }•<br>42 Psychological Approaches 420 Douglas B. Wilson<br>43 Dialogic Approaches 431 Michael James Sider<br>44 The Romantic Fragment 442 Annejanowitz<br>45 Performative Language and Speech-act Theory 452 Angela Esterhammer<br>46 Slavery and Romantic Writing 460 Alan Richardson<br>47 Apocalypse and Millennium 470 Morton D. Paley<br>48 The Romantic Imagination 486 Jonathan Wordsworth<br>49 England and Germany 495 Rosemary Ashton<br>50 Romantic Responses to Science 505 lan Wylie<br>51 Shakespeare and the Romantics 512 Frederick Burwick<br>52 Milton and the Romantics 520<br>Nicola Trott<br>List of Contributors 535 Index 541


Material Type
Item Barcode
Shelf Number
Book 049747 820.9145 COM 1999 k.1

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