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Abdurrahman eş-Şarkavi'nin romanlarında toplumsal gerçeklik için kapak resmi
Abdurrahman eş-Şarkavi'nin romanlarında toplumsal gerçeklik
Challar, Abdulrhman.
Yayın Bilgisi:
Van : Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2023.
Fiziksel Tanım:
xvii, 329, x yaprak ; 30 cm + 1 CD.
ÖZET Bu çalışma, Arap romancılığındaki gerçekçiliği kendisine bağlı olan veya ona müdahale eden Batı (eleştirel) gerçekçiliğinden ve Doğu (sosyalist) gerçekçiliğinden kurtarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Böylece diğer edebiyatların varsa Arap edebiyatı üzerindeki etkisini ya da Arap edebiyatının diğer edebiyatlardan etkilendiğini de inkâr etmeden Arap edebiyatının kendisine has bir konumunun olduğunu ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Çalışma aynı zamanda eş-Şerkâvî'nin kişiliğini, kendisi hakkında söylenen veya kendisinin öz değerlendirmeleri ile değil, onu olduğu gibi göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bundan sonra araştırma, Eş-Şarkavi'nin diğer romanlarını bir şemsiye altında sınıflar. Bu anlamda kişilikler, gelenekler ve sosyal ilişkileri ele almaktadır. Bunu yaparken Arap topluluğu hakkında düzenlenen toplantı, planlama ve verilen kararları barındıran evlerin gölgesindeki işbirlikleri, kavgaların etkileri ve sonuçlarının izlerinden hareket edilmiştir. Daha sonra da araştırma, romanların sanatsal kurgusuna yönelerek romancının inşasını tamamlamak için kullandığı yolları ve dolambaçları aydınlatmak suretiyle elindeki her şeyi romanın sosyal yönünü ortaya çıkarmak için kullanılmıştır. Araştırma giriş, önsöz, üç bölüm ve sonuç kısımlarından oluşmaktadır. Girişte araştırmanın amaçları, bileşenleri, hakkındaki sorular ve araştırmanın sınırları ele alınmıştır. Önsözde (Balzac) ve (Zola)'dan başlayarak eş-Şerkâvî'ye kadar gerçekçilik yoluna detaylı bir şekilde değinilmiştir. Araştırmanın birinci bölümünde romanda adı geçen toplumsal sınıflar ve karakterlerin eleştirilmesi ve akıbetlerinin açıklığa kavuşturulması anlatılmaya çalışılmış, ikinci bölümde sanatın kurgusu, öğeleri ve türlerine değinilmiş, üçüncü bölümde ise eleştiriye yer verilmiştir. Yanı sıra önce Almanlarda rastgele başlayan gerçekçiliğin gidişatı daha sonra Fransızlar tarafından sadeleştirilerek batıda yaygınlaştırılması hususu incelenmiştir. Ardından bu metot batı edebî çevrelerde bir süre genel kabul gördükten sonra eskimeye/yıpranmaya başlayınca Ruslar'ın bu edebî türü batılı tarzdan tecrit ederek ona kendi sosyalist giysilerini giydirmek suretiyle aslından uzaklaştırmaları girişimi değerlendirilmiştir. Batı realizmi ile sosyalist realizm arasındaki ilişki, siyasi mücadeleden türetilen edebi çatışmaya dayanmaktadır.

ABSTRACT The research aimed to rid Arab realism of what was attached to it or interfered with it from Western (critical) realism and from Eastern (socialist) realism, so that Arabic literature would have its own Arab realism called (Arab realism or totalitatiansm) without denyinf the influence of other realities on Arab realism and what Arab realism took from other realities. The research also aimed to show Al-Sharqawi's personality as he was, and as he said about himself, not as it was said about him! After that, the research camped among Al-Sharqawi’s novels, examining their social aspects in terms of classes, personalities, and customs... Tracing the effects of conflicts and their results, under the shade of the homes that contained people’s meetings, planners and deciders, cooperating and quarreling. Then the research turned to the artistic construction of the novels, illuminating the roads and the detours that the narrator took to complete its construction, using everything in his hands for the social aspect! For this reason, the research was based on an introduction - an indispensable search for it - in which the researcher explained the objectives of the research, its components, questions and limits, and on a preface in which he detailed the path of realism - as he could - starting from (Balzac) and (Zola) all the way to Al-Sharqawi, then the three chapters; The first chapter deals with the social classes and the characters mentioned in the novel and to criticize them and to clarify their fate, and the second chapter is about the artistic construction and its elements and types, and the third chapter - a small chapter - for criticism, then the conclusion. The relationship between Western realism and socialist realism was based on the literary conflict derived from the political conflict; There is no agreement or compromise between them, even if some of the disputes are formal, not real. And between the West and the East, the seeds of realism grew in Arabic literature at the beginning of the twentieth century, but it did not grow well due to the lack of factors conducive to growth, such as criticism, the large number of readers, public taste, and the political and economic situation,so it cooled for twenty to thirty years, then grew again until its branch was long. Its second growth coincided with suitable factors as (culture is spreading, illiteracy is in decline, newspapers are many and publications are abundant, and people are looking forward to development and building a new society after the Egyptian revolution of 1952.) Then the researcher clarified the obstacles that Arab realism faced after its second launch. Strong battles took place between the old and the new, and the realists persisted until they imposed their approach on the Arab literary scene. Then the researcher mentioned the trends of realism (criticism, socialism, naturalism) and the characteristics of realism, its objectives and criticism, then he studied the issue of form and content and the permissibility of separating them, and the researcher concluded the preface by stating the differences between realism and its sisters from other literary schools. Then the researcher dealt with the general life of the writer (Abdullah Al-Sharqawi), and mentioned his writings, some of the sayings of the writers about him, and some of what he said about himself, his tendencies, his intellectual tendencies and opinions and the personalities he was influenced by in his life. Al-Sharqawi had a prominent Islamic tendency, contrary to what was said about him that he followed socialism, for which he was considered an unbeliever. In the first chapter, the researcher studied the various social classes such as the ruling class, the elderly, the upper class, the destitute class, the educated class, the students class, and the women classes (mothers, wives, girls...), these classes shared qualities and characteristics that made them correspond to a large extent. Then the research devoted a special chapter to (individual personalities) who do not fall under those classes for some reason; As if it is alone in its chapter, it has no class, and it may be common to two classes at the same time, or the characteristics of one class are valid for it, but it contradicts it in other characteristics. The study of personality depends on its psychological aspects, its actions and relationships with others, and its interaction with the issues of the society in which it lives. Al-Sharqawi relies on this method of describing the personality more than on his apparent description. Then the researcher studied the way the narrator adopts in ending the lives of the characters or end their role; He punished the offending character with poverty, death, imprisonment, or beatings... As for the benevolent character, he honored him by escaping dangers and peril, or by succeeding or winning... He might leave some bad characters without determining their fate. In the second chapter, the researcher studied the elements contributing to the narrative construction. such as time, place, dialogue, description and conflict... He studied some of the phenomena that formed the social depth of the novel, such as customs and traditions. He also studied the way the narrator presented ideas and interrogated the characters, as well as the relationship between the writer and the recipient at the beginning, end and title of the text. The researcher referred to the types of novel spread among the writers, and to the type under which Al-Sharqawi’s novels fall. The (colloquial) language of dialogue adopted by the narrator had a great deal of luck from the pages of this chapter. The researcher cited what was said on this issue from the statements of the two parties, including the narrator who insisted on writing the dialogue of his characters in the vernacular because, as he says, it is a technical necessity. In fact, this point was not successful with the great writer Al-Sharqawi. Intellectual (ideological) development also had a large share in this chapter, as the narrator adopted the method of broadcasting ideas in his novels in a calm and spontaneous manner, then he leaves the character trying to change reality by himself and of his pure will without interference from him, so that the character may behaveright or somtimes wrong . Then he creates suitable social and personal conditions for it to succeed in the change that he wanted from the start. In the third chapter, the researcher mentioned the critical aspects that the narrator himself broadcasted in his novels, such as the comparison between some of the novels during the narration, and as mentioning the issue of Taha Hussein's dismissal from work at the university, and as considering his style -. Taha Hussein's - which some students love and others hate... as well as talking bout theaters and real plays that are shown in the novel's time.! Then he mentioned some critical notes on the narrations, such as repetitive images, exaggerations or gaps. In the conclusion, the researcher mentioned the results of the research; He mentioned the aspects that the narrator dealt with fully, and the aspects in which he failed - which are few - and mentioned the issues that the narrator advocated and the issues he criticized. The study showed that Al-Sharqawi relied on criticism and criticism of his society, and on spreading seeds of change, while portraying society realistically and not photographically. He had succeeded in that; In his late novel, the woman became different from the woman in his first novel, as were the intellectuals, workers, and peasants... The goals of the village character in 1941 AD were different from what they were in 1932. The research showed that the small details mentioned by the narrator had a role in the aesthetics of the work, its credibility and its usefulness. The reader of Al-Sharqawi’s novels gets to know some of the tools, names or customs common at that time, just as the real events and historical personalities mentioned by Al-Sharqawi had a role in the reality of the work and in conveying news of the ancients to the contemporary generation, and even to the coming generations.
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Materyal Türü
Yer Numarası
Durumu/İade Tarihi
Thesis 099212 290 /TEZ /CHAa /2023

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