![Psychopharmacology the fourth generation of progress: An official publication of the American college of neuropsychopharmacology için kapak resmi Psychopharmacology the fourth generation of progress: An official publication of the American college of neuropsychopharmacology için kapak resmi](/client/assets/4.5.1/ctx/images/no_image.png)
Psychopharmacology the fourth generation of progress: An official publication of the American college of neuropsychopharmacology
Yayın Bilgisi:
New York : Raven Press , 1995.
Fiziksel Tanım:
2002 s. ; 28 sm.
<br>PHYSPHARMACOLOGY-FOYD E. BLOOM-<br><br><br><br><br>Contents<br>CONTRIBUTORS .............................................................. xix<br>PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION ............................................. xli<br>PREFACE .................................................................... xliii<br>PARTI. PRECLINICAL SECTION<br>1. Introduction to Preclinical Neuropsychopharmacology ................ 1<br>Floyd E. Bloom<br>Critical Analysis of Methods<br>2. Basic Concepts and Techniques of Molecular Genetics ............... 9<br>Samuel H. Barondes<br>3. Cytology and Circuitry ............................................... 13<br>Stanley J. Watson, Jr. and William E. Cullinan<br>4. A Critical Analysis of Neurochemical Methods for Monitoring<br>Transmitter Dynamics in the Brain ................................... 29<br>Janet M. Finlay and Michael J. Zigmond<br>5. Electrophysiology .................................................... 41<br>Gary S. Aston-Jones and George R. Siggins<br>6. Behavioral Techniques in Preclinical Neuropsychopharmacology<br>Research ............................................................. 65<br>James E. Barrett and Klaus A. Miczek<br>Transmitter Systems Amino Acids<br>7. Excitatory Amino Acid Neurotransmission ........................... 75<br>Carl W. Cotman, Jennifer S. Kahle, Stephan E. Miller, Jolanta Was, and Richard J. Bridges<br>8. GABA and Glycine .................................................. 87<br>Steven M. Paul<br>Amines<br>9. Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: Novel Targets for<br>Central Nervous System Therapeutics ................................ 95<br>Stephen P. Arneric, James P. Sullivan, and Michael Williams<br>10. Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, and Brain Distribution of<br>Subtypes of the Muscarinic Receptor ................................. Ill<br>Frederick J. Ehlert, William R. Roeske, and Henry I. Yamamura<br>11. Cholinergic Transduction ............................................ 125<br>Elliott Richelson<br>12. Structure and Function of Cholinergic Pathways in the Cerebral Cortex, Limbic System, Basal Ganglia, and Thalamus of the Human Brain ........................................................ 135<br>Marek-Marsel Mesulam<br>13. Functional Heterogeneity of Central Cholinergic Systems ............ 147<br>Peter B. Reiner and H. Christian Fibiger<br>14. Molecular Biology of the Dopamine Receptor Subtypes .............. 155<br>Olivier Civelli<br>15. Electrophysiological Properties of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons ...... 163<br>Anthony A. Grace and Benjamin S. Bunney<br>16. The Dopamine Transporter: Potential Involvement in<br>Neuropsychiatric Disorders ........................................... 179<br>Michael J. Bannon, James G. Granneman, and Gregory Kapatos<br>17. Long- and Short-Term Regulation of Tyrosine Hydroxylase .......... 189<br>Menek Goldstein<br>18. Colocalization in Dopamine Neurons ................................. 197<br>Ariel Y. Deutch and Andrew J. Bean<br>19. Dopamine Receptor Expression in the Central Nervous System ....... 207<br>Alfred Mansour and Stanley J. Watson, Jr.<br>20. Dopamine Autoreceptor Signal Transduction and Regulation ......... 221<br>Louis A. Chiodo, Arthur S. Freeman, and Benjamin S. Bunney<br>21. Biochemical Pharmacology of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons .......... 227<br>Robert H. Roth and John D. Elsworth<br>22. Dopaminergic Neuronal Systems in the Hypothalamus ............... 245<br>Kenneth E. Moore and Keith J. Lookingland<br>23. Electron Microscopy of Central Dopamine Systems .................. 257<br>Virginia M. Pickel and Susan R. Sesack<br>24. Development of Mesencephalic Dopamine Neurons in the Nonhuman Primate: Relationship to Survival and Growth Following Neural Transplantation ...................................................... 269<br>John R. Sladek, Jr., Barbara Blanchard, T. J. Collier, John D. Elsworth, Jane R. Taylor, Robert H. Roth, and D. Eugene Redmond, Jr.<br>25. Mesocorticolimbic Dopaminergic Neurons: Functional and Regulatory<br>Roles ................................................................ 283<br>Michel Le Moal<br>26. Dopamine Receptors: Clinical Correlates ............................. 295<br>Philip Seeman<br>27. Signal Transduction Pathways for Catecholamine Receptors .......... 303<br>Ronald S. Duman and Eric J. Nestler<br>28. Norepinephrine and Serotonin Transporters: Molecular Targets of<br>Antidepressant Drugs ................................................ 321<br>Eric L. Barker and Randy D. Blakely<br>29. Pharmacology and Physiology of Central Noradrenergic Systems ..... 335 Stephen L. Foote and Gary S. Aston-Jones<br>30. Coexisting Neurotransmitters in Central Noradrenergic Neurons ...... 347<br>Philip V. Holmes and Jacqueline N. Crawley<br>31. Modification of Central Catecholaminergic Systems by Stress and<br>Injury: Functional Significance and Clinical Implications ............. 355<br>Elizabeth D. Abercrombie and Michael J. Zigmond<br>32. Central Norepinephrine Neurons and Behavior ....................... 363<br>Trevor W. Robbins and Barry J. Everitt<br>33. Physiological and Anatomical Determinants of Locus Coeruleus<br>Discharge: Behavioral and Clinical Implications ...................... 373<br>Rita J. Valentino and Gary S. Aston-Jones<br>34. Noradrenergic Neural Substrates for Anxiety and Fear: Clinical<br>Associations Based on Preclinical Research .......................... 387<br>Dennis S. Charney, J. Douglas Bremner, and D. Eugene Redmond, Jr.<br>35. Histamine ............................................................ 397<br>Jean-Charles Schwartz, Jean-Michel Arrang, Monique Garbarg, and Elisabeth Traiffort<br>36. Molecular Biology of Serotonin Receptors: A Basis for<br>Understanding and Addressing Brain Function ....................... 407<br>Jean Chen Shih, Kevin J.-S. Chen, and Timothy K. Gallaher<br>37. Serotonin Receptor Subtypes ......................................... 415<br>Richard A. Glennon and Malgorzata Dukat<br>38. Serotonin Receptors: Signal Transduction Pathways .................. 431<br>Elaine Sanders-Bush and Herve Canton<br>39. Anatomy, Cell Biology, and Plasticity of the Serotonergic System: Neuropsychopharmacological Implications for the Actions of Psychotropic Drugs .................................................. 443<br>Efrain C. Azmitia and Patricia M. Whitaker-Azmitia<br>40. Electrophysiology of Serotonin Receptor Subtypes and Signal<br>Transduction Pathways ............................................... 451<br>George K. Aghajanian<br>41. Serotonin and Behavior: A General Hypothesis ....................... 461<br>Barry L. Jacobs and Casimir A. Fornal<br>42. Indoleamines: The Role of Serotonin in Clinical Disorders ........... 471<br>George R. Heninger<br>Peptides<br>43. General Overview of Neuropeptides .................................. 483<br>Tomas G. M. Hökfelt, Marie-Noelle Castel, Patrizia Marino, Xu Zhang, and Ake Dagerlind<br>44. Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone: Focus on Basic Neurobiology ...... 493<br>George A. Mason, James C. Garbutt, and Arthur J. Prange, Jr.<br>45. Corticotropin-Releasing Factor: Physiology, Pharmacology, and Role<br>in Central Nervous System and Immune Disorders ................... 505<br>Errol B. De Souza and Dimitri E. Grigoriadis<br>46. Neuropharmacology of Endogenous Opioid Peptides ................. 519<br>John J. Wagner and Charles I. Chavkin<br>47. Vasopressin and Oxytocin in the Central Nervous System ............ 531<br>Linda Rinaman, Thomas G. Sherman, and Edward M. Stricker<br>48.
Neuropeptide Y and Related Peptides ................................ 543<br>Claes Wahlestedt and Markus Heilig<br>49. Somatostatin in the Central Nervous System ......................... 553<br>David R. Rubinow, Candace L. Davis, and Robert M. Post<br>50. Galanin: A Neuropeptide with Important Central Nervous System<br>Actions .............................................................. 563<br>Tamas Bartfai<br>51. The Neurobiology of Neurotensin .................................... 573<br>Garth Bissette and Charles B. Nemeroff<br>52. Cholecystokinin/Gastrin .............................................. 585<br>Margery C. Beinfeld<br>New Transmitters<br>53. Arachidonic Acid .................................................... 595<br>Daniele Piomelli<br>54. Nitric Oxide and Related Substances as Neural Messengers .......... 609<br>Solomon H. Snyder and Ted M. Dawson<br>55. Neuronal Growth and Differentiation Factors and Synaptic Plasticity ... 619 Paul H. Patterson<br>56. Proto-Oncogenes: Beyond Second Messengers ....................... 631<br>James I. Morgan and Thomas E. Curran<br>57. Purinoceptors in Central Nervous System Function: Targets for<br>Therapeutic Intervention ............................................. 643<br>Michael Williams<br>Integrative Concepts<br>58. Brain Energy Metabolism: An Integrated Cellular Perspective ........ 657<br>Pierre J. Magistretti, Luc Pellerin, and Jean-Luc Martin<br>59. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Development .......... 671<br>David A. Morilak, Matthew H. Porteus, and Roland D. Ciaranello<br>60. The Development of Brain and Behavior ............................. 683<br>Thomas R. Insel<br>61. Intracellular Messenger Pathways as Mediators of Neural Plasticity .... 695 Eric J. Nestler and Ronald S. Duman<br>62. Neuroendocrine Interactions .......................................... 705<br>Bruce S. McEwen<br>63. Interactions Between the Nervous System and the Immune System:<br>Implications for Psychopharmacology ................................ 719<br>Adrian J. Dunn<br>64. Adaptive Processes Regulating Tolerance to Behavioral Effects of<br>Drugs ................................................................ 733<br>Alice M. Young and Andrew J. Goudle<br>65. The Psychopharmacology of Sexual Behavior ........................ 743<br>James G. Pfaus and Barry J. Everitt<br>66. Animal Models of Drug Addiction ................................... 759<br>George F. Koob<br>67. Stress ................................................................ 773<br>Huda A. Akil and M. Ines Morano<br>68. Animal Models of Psychiatric Disorders ............................. 787<br>Mark A. Geyer and Athina Markou<br>69. Genetic Strategies in Preclinical Substance Abuse Research .......... 799<br>John C. Crabbe, Jr. and Ting-Kai Li<br>PART II. CLINICAL SECTION<br>70. Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology ................... 813<br>David J. Kupfer<br>Critical Analysis of Methods<br>71. The DSM-IV Classification and Psychopharmacology ................ 823<br>Alien Frances, Avram H. Mack, Ruth Ross, and Michael B. First<br>72. Clinical Study Design—Critical Issues ............................... 829<br>Donald S. Robinson and Robert F. Prien<br>73. Short- and Long-Term Psychopharmacological Treatment Strategies .. 839 Ira D. Click, David L. Braff, and David S. Janowsky<br>74. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics ............................ 849<br>David J. Greenblatt, Jerold S. Harmatz, Lisa L. von Moltke, and Richard I. Shader<br>75. Methodological Issues in the Neuropathology of Mental Illness ....... 859<br>Joel E. Kleinman, Thomas M. Hyde, and Mary M. Herman<br>76. Positron and Single Photon Emission Tomography: Principles and<br>Applications in Psychopharmacology ................................. 865<br>Robert T. Malison, Marc Lamelle, and Robert B. Innis<br>77. In Vivo Structural Brain Assessment ................................. 881<br>Kelvin O. Lim, Margaret Rosenbloom, and Adolf Pfefferbaum<br>78. Methodological Issues in Event-Related Brain Potential and Magnetic<br>Field Studies ......................................................... 895<br>Walton T. Roth, Judith M. Ford, Adolf Pfefferbaum, and Thomas R. Elbert<br>Psychiatrie Disorders Mood Disorders<br>79. Recent Studies on Norepinephrine Systems in Mood Disorders ....... 911<br>Alan F. Schatzberg and Joseph J. Schildkraut<br>80. Dopaminergic Mechanisms in Depression and Mania ................. 921<br>Paul Willner<br>81. The Serotonin Hypothesis of Major Depression ...................... 933<br>Michael Maes and Herbert Y. Meltzer<br>82. The Role of Acetylcholine Mechanisms in Mood Disorders .......... 945<br>David S. Janowsky and David H. Overstreet<br>83. Neuroendocrinology of Mood Disorders .............................. 957<br>Florian Holsboer<br>84. Neuropeptide Alterations in Mood Disorders ......................... 971<br>Paul M. Plotsky, Michael J. Owens, and Charles B. Nemeroff<br>85. Psychoneuroimmunology of Depression .............................. 983<br>Michael Irwin<br>86. Biological Rhythms in Mood Disorders .............................. 999<br>Anna Wirz-Justice<br>87. Brain Imaging in Mood Disorders .................................... 1019<br>Godfrey D. Pearlson and Thomas E. Schlaepfer<br>88. Mood Disorders Linked to the Reproductive Cycle in Women ........ 1029<br>Barbara L. Parry<br>89. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in the Acute Treatment of<br>Depression ........................................................... 1043<br>Stuart A. Montgomery<br>90. Short-Term Treatment of Mood Disorders With Standard<br>Antidepressants ...................................................... 1053<br>Michael J. Burke and Sheldon H. Preskorn<br>91. Long-Term Treatment of Mood Disorders ............................ 1067<br>Robert F. Prien and James H. Kocsis<br>92. Treatment-Resistant Depression ...................................... 1081<br>Michael E. Thase and A. John Rush<br>93. Lithium and the Anticonvulsants in the Treatment of Bipolar<br>Disorder ............................................................. 1099<br>Joseph R. Calabrese, Charles Bowden, and Mark J. Woyshville<br>94. Psychosocial Predictors of Outcome in Depression ................... 1113<br>Robert M. A. Hirschfeld<br>95. Electroconvulsive Therapy ........................................... 1123<br>Harold A. Sackeim, D. P. Devanand, and Mitchell S. Nobler<br>96. Novel Pharmacological Approaches to the Treatment of Depression .. 1143 Dennis L. Murphy, Philip B. Mitchell, and William Z. Potter<br>97. The Neurobiology of Treatment-Resistant Mood Disorders ........... 1155<br>Robert M. Post and Susan R. B. Weiss<br>Schizophrenia<br>98. Neurodevelopmental Perspectives on Schizophrenia .................. 1171<br>Daniel R. Weinberger<br>99. Functional Brain-Imaging Studies in Schizophrenia ................... 1185<br>Raquel E. Gur<br>100. New Developments in Dopamine and Schizophrenia ................. 1193<br>Rene S. Kahn and Kenneth L. Davis<br>101. Schizophrenia and Glutamate ........................................ 1205<br>Blynn Garland Bunney, William E. Bunney, Jr., and Arvid Carlsson<br>102. The Role of Serotonin in Schizophrenia .............................. 1215<br>Bryan L. Roth and Herbert Y. Meltzer<br>103. The Effects of Neuroleptics on Plasma Homovanillic Acid ........... 1229<br>Arnold J. Friedhoff and Raul R. Silva<br>104. Neurophysiological and Psychophysiological Approaches to<br>Schizophrenia ........................................................ 1235<br>Keith H.
Nuechterlein and Michael E. Dawson<br>105. Neurocognitive Functioning in Patients with Schizophrenia: An<br>Overview ............................................................ 1245<br>Terry E. Goldberg and James M. Gold<br>106. Acute Treatment of Schizophrenia ................................... 1259<br>William C. Wirshing, Stephen R. Marder, Theodore Van Putten, and Donna Ames<br>107. Maintenance Drug Treatment for Schizophrenia ...................... 1267<br>John G. Csernansky and John G. Newcomer<br>108. Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs ........................................ 1277<br>Herbert Y. Meltzer<br>Anxiety Disorders<br>109. Neuroimaging Studies of Human Anxiety Disorders: Cutting Paths of<br>Knowledge through the Field of Neurotic Phenomena ................ 1287<br>Lewis R. Baxter, Jr.<br>110. Anxiety and Serotonin1A Receptor .................................... 1301<br>Jeremy D. Coplan, Susan I. Walk, and Donald F. Klein<br>111. Pharmacological Challenges in Anxiety Disorders .................... 1311<br>Lawrence H. Price, Andrew W. Goddard, Linda C. Barr, and Wayne K. Goodman<br>112. Environmental Factors in the Etiology of Anxiety .................... 1325<br>Karrie J. Craig, Kelly J. Brown, and Andrew Baum<br>113. The Pharmacotherapy of Acute Anxiety: A Mini-Update ............. 1341<br>Richard I. Shader and David J. Greenblatt<br>114. Issues in the Long-Term Treatment of Anxiety Disorders ............ 1349<br>Edward Schweizer, Karl Rickeis, and Eberhard H. Uhlenhuth<br>Geriatrie Disorders I<br>115. Towards an Understanding of the Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease ... 1361 j Corinne L. Lendon and Alison M. Goate
Methodological and Statistical Progress in Psychiatric Clinical<br>Research: A Statistician’s Perspective ................................ 1849<br>Helena Chmura Kraemer<br>PART III. SPECIAL TOPICS<br>158. New Drag Design in Psychopharmacology: The Impact of Molecular<br>Biology .............................................................. 1861<br>John F. Tollman and Svein G. Dahi<br>159. Ethical Issues in Genetic Screening and Testing, Gene Therapy, and<br>Scientific Conduct ................................................... 1875<br>Lisa S. Parker and Elizabeth Gettig<br>160. The Economics of Psychotropic Drag Development .................. 1883<br>Joseph A. DiMasi and Louis Lasagna<br>161. Economic Evaluation of Drag Treatment for Psychiatric Disorders:<br>The New Clinical Trial Protocol ..................................... 1897<br>Gary A. Zarkin, Henry G. Grabowski, Josephine Mauskopf, Heather A. Bannerman, and Richard H. Weisler
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