Fundamentals of differential equations için kapak resmi
Fundamentals of differential equations
Nagle, R. Kent
Ek Yazar:
Basım Bilgisi:
5. bs.
Yayın Bilgisi:
Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley , 2000.
Fiziksel Tanım:
xxii, 684, 10, 32, 8 s. : ill. ; 24 sm. + 1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATİONS NAGLE- SAFF-SNIDER<br>CONTENTS<br>2.3 Linear Equations 54<br>2.4 Exact Equations 63<br>*2.5 Special Integrating Factors 73<br>*2.6 Substitutions and Transformations 77<br>Chapter Summary 86<br>Review Problems 87<br>Technical Writing Exercises 88<br>Group Projects for Chapter 2 89<br>A. The Snowplow Problem 89<br>B. Two Snowplows 89<br>C. Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Linear Equations 90<br>D. Torricelli’s Law of Fluid Flow 90<br>E. Clairaut Equations and Singular Solutions 92 <br>CHAPTER 3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND NUMERICAL METHODS INVOLVING FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS 93<br>3.1 Mathematical Modeling 93<br>3.2 Compartmental Analysis 95<br>3.3 Heating and Cooling of Buildings 107<br>3.4 Newtonian Mechanics 114<br>3.5 Improved Euler’s Method 124<br>3.6 Higher-Order Numerical Methods: Taylor and Runge-Kutta 135<br>3.7 Professional Codes for Solving Initial Value Problems 144<br>Group Projects for Chapter 3 148<br>A. Delay Differential Equations 148<br>B. Aquaculture 149 <br>C. Curve of Pursuit 150<br>D. Aircraft Guidance in a Crosswind 151<br>E. Stability of Numerical Methods 152<br>F. Period Doubling and Chaos 153<br>G. Bang-Bang Controls 155<br>CHAPTER 4 LINEAR SECOND ORDER EQUATIONS 156<br>4.1 Introduction: The Mass-Spring Oscillator 156<br>4.2 Linear Differential Operators 161<br>4.3 Fundamental Solutions of Homogeneous Equations 168<br>*4.4 Reduction of Order 178<br>4.5 Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients 183<br>4.6 Auxiliary Equations with Complex Roots 191<br>4.7 Superposition and Nonhomogeneous Equations 200<br>4.8 Method of Undetermined Coefficients 204<br>4.9 Variation of Parameters 213<br>*4.10 Qualitative Considerations for Variable-Coefficient<br>and Nonlinear Equations 218<br>*4.11 A Closer Look at Free Mechanical Vibrations 230<br>*4.12 A Closer Look at Forced Mechanical Vibrations 240<br>Chapter Summary 248<br>Review Problems 250<br>Technical Writing Exercises 251<br>Group Projects for Chapter 4 252<br>A. Undetermined Coefficients Using Complex Arithmetic 252<br>B. An Alternative to the Method of Undetermined Coefficients 253<br>C. Convolution Method 254<br>D. Linearization of Nonlinear Problems 255<br>E. Nonlinear Equations Solvable by First Order Techniques 256<br>F. Apollo Reentry 257<br>G. Simple Pendulum 258<br>H. Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions 259 <br>CHAPTER 5 INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS AND PHASE<br>PLANE ANALYSIS 261<br>5.1 Interconnected Fluid Tanks 261<br>*5.2 Introduction to the Phase Plane 263<br>5.3 Elimination Method for Systems 278<br>5.4 Coupled Mass-Spring Systems 286<br>5.5 Electrical Circuits 293<br>5.6 Numerical Methods for Higher-Order Equations and Systems 301<br>5.7 Dynamical Systems, Poincare Maps, and Chaos 315<br>Chapter Summary 325<br>Review Problems 327<br>Group Projects for Chapter 5 328<br>A. Designing a Landing System for Interplanetary Travel 328<br>B. Things That Bob 329<br>C. Effects of Hunting on Predator-Prey Systems 330<br>D. Periodic Solutions to Volterra-Lotka Systems 331<br>E. Hamiltonian Systems 332<br>F. Limit Cycles 334<br>G. Strange Behavior of Competing Species-Part 1 335<br>H. Cleaning Up the Great Lakes 336<br>CHAPTER 6 THEORY OF HIGHER-ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS<br>6.1 Basic Theory of Linear Differential Equations 338<br>6.2 Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients 347<br>6.3 Undetermined Coefficients and the Annihilator Method 354<br>6.4 Method of Variation of Parameters 360<br>Chapter Summary 364<br>Review Problems 366<br>Technical Writing Exercises 366<br>Group Projects for Chapter 6 367<br>A. Justifying the Method of Undetermined Coefficients 367<br>B. Transverse Vibrations of Beam 367 <br>CHAPTER 7 LAPLACE TRANSFORMS 369 7.1 Introduction: A Mixing Problem 369<br>7.2 Definition of the Laplace Transform 373<br>7.3 Properties of the Laplace Transform 382<br>7.4 Inverse Laplace Transform 388<br>7.5 Solving Initial Value Problems 398<br>7.6 Transforms of Discontinuous and Periodic Functions 406<br>*7.7 Convolution 420<br>*7.8 Impulses and the Dirac Delta Function 429<br>*7.9 Solving Linear Systems with Laplace Transforms 436<br>Chapter Summary 439<br>Review Problems 440<br>Technical Writing Exercises 441<br><br>Group Projects for Chapter 7 A. Duhamel ‘s Formulas B. Frequency Response Modeling C. Determining System Parameters<br>CHAPTER 8 SERIES SOLUTIONS OF<br>DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 447<br>8.1 Introduction: The Taylor Polynomial Approximation 447<br>8.2 Power Series and Analytic Functions 453<br>8.3 Power Series Solutions to Linear Differential Equations 462<br>8.4 Equations with Analytic Coefficients 473<br>*8.5 Cauchy-Euler (Equidimensional) Equations Revisited 479<br>8.6 Method of Frobenius 483<br>8.7 Finding a Second Linearly Independent Solution 495<br>8.8 Special Functions 507<br>Chapter Summary 520<br>Review Problems 521<br>Technical Writing Exercises 522<br>Group Projects for Chapter 8 523<br>A. Spherically Symmetric Solutions to Schrödinger’s Equation<br>for the Hydrogen Atom - - 523<br>B. Airy’s Equation 524<br>C. Buckling of a Tower 524<br>D. Aging Spring and Bessel Functions 525<br>CHAPTER 9 MATRIX METHODS FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS 527<br>9.1 Introduction 527<br>9.2 Review 1: Linear Algebraic Equations 532<br>9.3 Review 2: Matrices and Vectors 536<br>9.4 Linear Systems in Normal Form 548<br>9.5 Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients 557<br>9.6 Complex Eigenvalues 569<br>9.7 Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems 575<br>9.8 The Matrix Exponential Function 582<br>Chapter Summary 591<br>Review Problems 594<br>Technical Writing Exercises 595<br>Group Projects for Chapter 9 596<br>A. Uncoupling Normal Systems 596<br>B. Matrix Laplace Transform Method 596<br>C. Undamped Second Order Systems 598<br>D. Strange Behavior of Competing Species-Part II 599 <br>CHAPTER 1O PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 600 <br>10.1 Introduction: A Model for Heat Flow 600<br>10.2 Method of Separation of Variables 603<br>10.3 Fourier Series 613<br>10.4 Fourier Cosine and Sine Series 631<br>10.5 The Heat Equation 636<br>10.6 The Wave Equation 649<br>10.7 Laplace’s Equation 662<br>Chapter Summary 675<br>Technical Writing Exercises 677<br>Group Projects for Chapter 10 678<br>A. Steady-State Temperature Distribution in a Circular Cylinder 678<br>B. A Laplace Transform Solution of the Wave Equation 679<br>C. Green ‘s Function 680<br>D. Numerical Method for AM =fon a Rectangle 682 APPENDICES A-l A. Newton’s Method A-l<br>B. Simpson’s Rule A-3<br>C. Cramer’s Rule A-5<br>D. Method of Least Squares A-6<br>E. Runge-Kutta Procedure for n Equations A-9 ANSWERS TO ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS B-l INDEX 1-1<br>


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